"In his igitur partibus duabus nihil erat, quod Zeno commuta rest gestiret. Sed virtutem ipsam inchoavit, nihil ampliusuma. Scien tiam pollicentur, quam non erat mirum sapientiae lorem cupido patria esse cariorem. Quae qui non vident, nihilamane umquam magnum ac cognitione."

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The PainPod is a portable transcutaneous electrical stimulation (TENS) device which you can use to self-treat a vast variety of injuries, illnesses and conditions at your own discretion.

Conventional TENS therapy involves the delivery of either a high or low frequency pulse through the skin of any general body surface. A specific type of TENS therapy which employs the science of acupuncture otherwise known as ‘Acu-TENS' is a system where a low frequency current is delivered to specific acupuncture points on the body. The PainPod comes with a comprehensive acupuncture point guide and an easy-to-follow instruction set on how to use the device to effectively alleviate different types of pain. There have been very few instances of any adverse effects TENS use by comparison to most other forms of pain-relief solutions, which is why it has been adopted by the medical community as one of the safest treatment choices.

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PainPod technology is a non-invasive and drug-free solution which involves the passing of a low-voltage electrical current through a number of electrodes which are placed on the surface of the skin to achieve a nervous reaction which eliminates pain.

Up to four PainPod electrodes can be placed at different locations around the body to invigorate the nerves beneath, easing pain associated with conditions, impact trauma, injury or surgery among a variety of other illnesses and afflictions. Pain relief isn’t the only function of this incredibly versatile device, as the PainPod can be used to improve muscle health and ability, to reduce limb spasticity and to assist in the rehabilitation of the body following stroke, heart failure, major surgery, paralysis and chronic condition onset. One of the most important benefits of the PainPod lies in its drug-free analgesic quality as an alternative to pain relief medication. Studies have confirmed that TENS therapy in a variety of situations can match the effectiveness of the strongest analgesic medication, without the side-effects such chemical treatment often induces.

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Any person is able to use the device. Whether you are young, elderly, a professional athlete or live a more relaxed lifestyle the PainPod is an exceptional tool for relieving anyone’s pain.

The PainPod is considered a safe treatment which can produce anaesthetic effects in patients with musculoskeletal trauma, which includes injury to the limbs such as bone breaks, fractures, dislocations and other types of impact damage. Application of the PainPod to specific acupuncture zones can alsosignificantly reduce joint tenderness felt by sufferers of Rheumatoid and Osteoarthritis. Electrical stimulation of the muscles to induce contraction and relaxation cycles can increase blood flow to the area, allowing for superior conditioning of muscles. Numerous studies have also shown TENS electrical therapy to be successful at improving motor performance following onset of chronic illness such as stroke or multiple sclerosis, with one scientific conclusion confirming TENS as an equally effective alternative to baclofen. TENS therapy has also been investigated as an entirely self sufficient approach to the treatment of chronic heart failure.

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